31 December 2014

Thank You 2014

2014 Collage

It was certainly an interesting year full of surprises, change and adaptations. But with the negative also came positive. We learned to embrace the change and embrace our new roles. We accepted the news that we didn't want to hear and prepared to fight a battle against Crohn's Disease with our son. We let down our guard and let others help, which kept us afloat many times. I still haven't fully accepted the fact that our son has a chronic disease, but I'm hoping 2015 will help me come to terms with this new facet of our lives.

This past year I watched all three of my children blossom in their own individual ways. I watched them become readers, swimmers, skiers, soccer plays, dancers and more. I watched them as they became faced with their own challenges and wept as I saw them overcome their struggles. I found a new sense of strength by watching my children this year. The amount of strength that they carry with them radiates wherever they walk and I quickly followed behind picking up as much of it as I could.

I found my own sense of confidence this past year and I'm ready to leap into the new year with spirit and certainty. It feels good to know who you are; to know your sense of value and worth and know what you want out of life. It's never too late to discover your spirit of soul.

This past year I learned to step away from technology and find balance. I traded in some of the "online time" so I could spend my precious time elsewhere; an extra ten minutes with my children, time in the kitchen preparing healthy meals, a longer run in the neighborhood, a call to a friend or a few more pages in my book. This past year I truly learned the value of time and came to the realization that one day time will run out and I want every single second to count.

So where does that leave this space for the new year? This little blog of mine has opened many doors for me and I am forever grateful for those opportunities. If it wasn't' for this space I wouldn't be copy editor and part of the Babiekins Magazine team, I wouldn't occasionally free-lance write for What to Expect and other websites and I probably wouldn't be as knowledgeable with my camera. But these opportunities have also opened my eyes to how I spend my time and how I balance my life.

I love Yellow Finch blog. It's something I created from the heart and built from scratch. When I sat down to write my very first post I had to actually google the definition of a blog. Fast forward a few years and I am still in awe of what I taught myself. While I will always have a thirst for knowledge and something new, my heart is in writing and taking photographs. And that is why I can never part with Yellow Finch blog. I'm not sure what direction this space will go in 2015 but it will still be here. I wish I could write a post daily, but I can guarantee you that will not happen. If I can aim for a couple a week I'll be happy. I can also tell you this space will not turn into a story about Crohn's Disease because it's not my story to share, it's my son's, but I may post the occasional update for family and friends and I will definitely post recipes. (At this point we are treating mainly with diet and I am constantly in the kitchen cooking up a storm)

In 2015 I hope to write more, I hope to take more photographs and become challenged with my camera, I hope to share more and I hope I continue to create ever-lasting memories with my loved ones. Cheers to a year of balance and hope, joy and love and simplicity in life.


  1. I love your photos and am so thankful you came here when you did (selfishly so that we could find each other!) - looking forward to the new year, too!


    1. I know what you mean - you were one the first people I met and I feel that we were destined to be friends!! Cheers to 2015 being healthy and joyful. xo

  2. I have only just discovered your blog so I would love you to carry on, but I totally understand you need to find a balance. I hope 2015 is a good year for you and your family. I love your collage of photos.

    1. Awe, thank you! I've always gone back and forth but I do love this space and I love meeting others with similar interests and values in life. I hope you have a joyful year and that 2015 is good to you!


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