For the longest time I hesitated to call myself a writer. What exactly is a writer, how does one assume that title, or better yet, how does one acquire the title of writer? From the early days of elementary school, I found an underlining passion for writing, poetry, creative stories and literature. That passion soon grew and quickly blossomed into a path that I would eventually pursue, in college and in the working field. But does that make me a writer? When I eventually decided to embrace the title, I still tip-toed around the idea. It wasn’t until long talks with my dad, over strong coffee and his famed scones, that I was persuaded to clench the passion that yearned inside me since youth. My passion to write.
The online world is an endless maze that is vast and overwhelming. Choosing to open up, both creatively and emotionally, can be a difficult task. But if it wasn’t for this online world there is a slight chance I would never embrace the title of writer. Does this make a blogger a writer? Well, no it doesn't, but there are several bloggers out there who deserve the title.
So what does make you a writer?
I don’t have a concrete answer but I can say that we are all writers, we all have the words embedded deep inside of us somewhere, it’s just up to us how we execute and deliver these messages. Sometimes they emerge in the form of words, sometimes photographs, paintings or collages. Sometimes they shine through in our patience when working with others, in the teachers who are leaders in the classroom, in food and spirit that are creatively crafted or in the simple acts of life that truly are the defining moments.
What do you like to write? What is your genre of choice? Where do you find inspiration?
“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”
Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
These photos are from our trip to San Juan Island this past summer. Our friend's uncle lives at one of the highest points on the island and we had the chance to stop by and explore.
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