29 January 2014

laugh the blues away











We've got it, a slight case of cabin fever. We are on day four of snow days, or rather cold days, and haven't seen the inside of school since last Thursday. I can often channel my inner creative self, but there comes a point when the creativeness just tires. You can only have so many nerf battles and play dough sessions, tea parties and lego time. I know there is always the tv and video games (wouldn't the boys love it if I said sure, play Skylanders all day long) but it's a rare occasion when they are on during the day. I'm one of those mean moms who sets a timer and when it goes off the games and tv are off for the day. Jonas has gone out of his way to point out that I am the only mom who does this, but I hope one day he will respect my decision.

So, back to the boredom of cabin fever. I thought and I thought of how to beat these winter blues and the only solution I came to was laughter. We would laugh the blues away. I tucked my phone in a drawer, forgot about the chores and turned up the record player so Tom Petty could filter throughout the house. When you let your guard down and learn to relax you find laughter. I discovered laughter through our silly dancing, through building dinosaurs out of plaster (yes, we did that yesterday) through taping up wrapping paper and snapping photos. The very same wrapping paper that caused an argument because the boys used it in a lightsaber battle and destroyed it. The responsible parent in me was upset for wasting a good roll of wrapping paper and not respecting other's possessions, but the creative "go with the flow" side of me said forget about it, we'll use it for something else. And... who won the lightsaber battle because the winner takes on mom, ultimate lightsaber champion!

My kids find me funny, which makes my heart happy because I am in fact not funny. I am not quick witted and am horrible at jokes. But I do know how to laugh. I know how to make my children laugh.

"You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants."
Stephen King

So on these snowy cold winter days, where we are tucked inside for endless hours, we have discovered how to laugh the blues away.

*This post is sponsored by FabKids
FabKids is JustFab's newest fashion club, started by a team of parents including mom and actress Christina Applegate. FabKids is a convenient way for busy parents to shop. It's an outfit club -- so parents get monthly selections of super affordable, high-quality fashions personalized for their kids.

Check out more of their winter trends, for boys and girls, at Fabkids.com

Thank you FabKids for working with Yellow Finch. One of my personal attractions to these pieces, besides how cute and trendy they are, is the fact that you can mix and match each piece. They are well crafted, versatile and affordable. Always a plus!


  1. you are such a good mother...better than I ever could be....u ere great!!!!!!

    1. everyone is a good mother, it's imbedded somewhere deep inside. motherhood has certainly taught me patience, which i have found to be the key to parenting. thank you for your lovely comment, it made my night ;)


  2. Perfect photographs and words. You are a great Mother!

    Jess | Malt Memories.


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