13 January 2014




"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Jonas: He is called to the great outdoors, to explore the open winds and wide vastness that surrounds us.
Joshua: His fingers move, a rhythm I will never understand, soft beats and gentle tones.
Jessica: Caught by curiosity, stopped in time, mesmerized by detail.

Thank you Jodi for hosting this series.
In the future I will definitely be mentioning the photographs that caught my eye, but this week and probably the next couple are a bit hectic. One day I will catch up, my friends. One day.

So..what do you think of the changes on the blog? Do you feel it's functional? Is it appealing on the eyes? Please let me know any feedback. I plan on adding to my writing portfolio, but is there anything else that you feel is missing or would want to see. I truly appreciate any comments. Thank you!


  1. really sweet photos, i love jessica's!
    i also like the changes, it's clean, well organized and it leaves the protagonism to the your beautiful images :)

  2. lovely shots. i miss snow. i really like the new blog look. it is very appealing to the eye. well done.

  3. I followed your photo here from the 52 project and am so glad that I did. Lovely photos of your children. Thank you for sharing.

  4. gosh, I love the simplistic blogs. reminds me of bleubird, and I love her blog as well :)

  5. I like the new look also! Looks like you and the family are doing well! Happy New Year!

  6. I also agree the new look is nice and clean. Glad to see the family is doing well in the new year!


Thank you for leaving a comment! I love reading each and every comment and will reply to them here in this comment section. Thanks!