07 January 2014




"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Jonas: You can't stay in a hotel and not take a ride on the luggage cart!
Joshua: Captivated by the stillness of winter.
Jessica: Caught in a moment of play.

Thank you Jodi for hosting this series.

And so the cycle begins again, a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014. A feeling of fresh beginnings and new arrivals lingers in the crisp winter air. Morning sunlight streams across our windows and gently dusts the covers. I can feel the warmth of the sun, yet I know winter is fully alive outside in the openness.

It is cold and brisk.
It is January.

I'm looking forward to another year of The 52 Project. I haven't done anything with my portraits from 2013 yet, but I plan on printing a book for each of the children from Artifact Uprising. I have been very pleased with their products and highly recommend them. This year I look forward to challenging myself with each photo, a task I have not started off with strongly. I quickly snapped the photos above because this past week has been very hectic. We just returned today from a ski trip and tomorrow the boys go back to school. It was a wonderfully long winter break, but we are ready to get back to our routines. We are ready for schedules and our rhythm of life. I hope that I can challenge myself and capture my children in a new light. While I will continue to capture them, you may start to see less of them on this blog. This is something that has been brewing in my mind for some time and I feel I am getting close to the time of letting them go. To allowing them to choose if they want to be a part of this place or not. I'll touch on this and a few of my personal goals for 2014 in a future post.

In the meantime, cheers to another round of The 52 Project!

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