One of the biggest challenges I face as a mother of three is finding individualized time for each of my children. While sending the boys off to school all day has been difficult, I am blessed to have one on one time with Jessica. I feel blessed to be home, to have the minutes and hours to dedicate to my children. To open books at any point during the day because I am, in fact, home. To have the time to pack up and head out into the park for a picnic, because I am home. It is easy to take this time for granted and I fully admit that at times I do.
Rather than taking time for granted I want to savor each moment. I want to make the minutes and hours I spend with my children, together and as individuals, count. Really count. I want to fully listen to them, read each book and each word from my heart, give each hug as if sending them out into the world, and prepare each meal with an extra touch of love.
As we step into a new season, these are the thoughts that I dwell on. Instead of just "being home" I want to direct my focus to "making a home." My time is the key to memory making, and I want to offer my time to my children and husband, to my family and to my friends.
As we shift seasons, what thoughts travel through your head? What changes would you like to make? What challenges do you face and what are your thoughts on being home?
*Jess and I enjoyed a picnic in the yard yesterday under an ending August sun. It felt wonderful to lay in the grass with my daughter and laugh and share stories. I absolutely love this age. Personally, I don't see anything terrible about the twos.
*Jess' red lunch bag is c/o Stuck on You
I can imagine that this Summer, with all three at home, you felt at times very overwhelmed and more dutiful than in the moment. And that's normal and okay. You are a great mom and Jess is so blessed to have you care so much about the quality time you two spend together, reading books, and not watching tv. ;)
ReplyDeletesometimes it's good to hear that it is, in fact, normal and ok to feel "dutiful" vs. living in the moment as a parent. it does make complete sense. thanks mandi! your words mean so much to me. as a parent, it's easy for us to always question if we're doing the right thing.
You are a great mama! I think more parents need to realize that we are building memories for our children. It's so important! I know we need to get out of the house more. We've been lazy since getting back to school and we need to stop that asap! Fall will bring cooler weather which means bonfires in the backyard and crispy walks! :)
ReplyDeleteit's always a cycle for us, we're active and then we get stuck inside for awhile. sometimes it's nice to lay low and stick around the house :) and yes, FALL!! I cannot wait. and for you, fall = wedding. so exciting!!
Deletei took a mini roadtrip with owsley earlier in the week. he was so much fun! i had forgotten just how much i loved this age with gage. i'm so glad to have this alone time with O, now that gage is back in school.
ReplyDeleteI know, with two (and more) it's easy to forget about the fun aspects of the different stages!! trust me, i miss the boys, but it's so important to have that one on one time.
Deletecan you believe they are back to school already??