09 July 2013

Ashley Brooke Bigler

I'm excited to feature my friend Ashley today. She is the sweetest and kindest soul I have met. We actually met online but live in the same town, until she recently moved to Cleveland. She and her husband just welcomed their first child into the world and I can't wait to meet little August. Thank you Ashley for sharing some words with us today and make sure to check out her album here.

photo credit Brittany Ankrom

Finding Happiness:
I consistently find happiness in love. The love that is delightful in both simple and extraordinary times.
My love for my family brings me such joy and happiness. The familiarity. The laughs and tears with my sisters. The comfort of our memories.
My husband and our special bond. His support. Our new everydays with our new baby boy, August brings bliss I've never known before. Just looking at his sweet face overwhelms me with tears and love.
Lastly my need for songs in my life and creating over and over. To sing. These are my greatest moments. The appreciation from family and my music is where I find happiness.

Lyrics from my song "Blueberries" (ABT:2012)
Love takes a bow
Love ever be out loud
As lowly and as noble
As a home
Love is home


  1. I'm not familiar with Ashley, and always love finding new blogs; thanks for this very sweet introduction!

  2. Little August is so blessed! Ashley is an amazing, dear momma who will pour loving details into this little life. :)


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