a path leads between the garden and yard.
velvet leaves spread green
across dirt floors
intertwined as one.
hints of red appear
like tiny dots in open waters
fish circling
we reach and tuck
we softly pluck
away the fruit.
woven baskets full of strawberries
gently bounce as we walk
sweet scents evaporate into air
with every step we take.
the sweetness of summer surrounds our day.
There is something special, something unique, in the tradition we weave together. This is the third year in a row that I have gathered the kids and headed over to my sisters to pick our strawberries. This is the second year that I have been able to walk there.
We are creating new traditions in this home of ours. We've been here a year and while I don't think I can call it new anymore I can certainly call it home.
And I have found a certain type of sweetness in this home.
You can see year one here and two here.
lovely pictures and how wonderful to be walking distance of your sister