18 March 2013

sunday stills. photo 11


A single photo once a week.
To capture my emotions, to sum up the days.
To collect my thoughts and hold them in my hands.

Every Sunday, one photo.

On this Sunday: Sometimes in life you just need to play.

Emily, from The Beetle Shack, also does a weekly stills post. Make sure to check out her lovely photos :)


  1. This is such an awesome shot! He looks like he's having so much fun :)

  2. I know what you mean about weeks flying by. It's so scary to me sometimes how quickly they are gone. I try so hard to enjoy every moment now. Sometimes it is hard. I am on the same page as you too about clutter. When our house gets too cluttered or dirty it can set me over the edge and I go into what my fiance calls "psycho cleaning mode". I like that mode though, I get my house real clean! :) Hope you have a slow, wonderful week mama! xo

  3. stopped by from the beetle shack blog hop, this photo really caught my eye. wonderful.x

  4. stopping by from beetle. i love this shot, beautiful :)

  5. Seriously, THIS PHOTO IS THE BEST THING EVERRRR!! Yes, i needed to capitalise that!


    thank you so much for linking up, what a pleasure to have you

    xo em


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