29 March 2013

Cleveland Blogger Brunch.


When I first started blogging I never even knew what a blog was, I didn't come into the loop until after I read an article on Etsy. As an Etsy shop owner I felt it was the right step to start a blog, but when I started Yellow Finch Designs Blog I had no idea what direction I wanted to go. I first started with generic posts about items I liked on etsy, information about jewelry and some behind the scenes on my own pieces. Very general information and as far away from personal as possible.

Then, I started to actually read some blogs. I started to actually connect with other woman who seemed like me. Who shared a similar lifestyle, interests and goals. I like to think that it's from these women that I found my voice and the confidence to carry out Yellow Finch as I have. It has become a place for me to write, whether a quick story about my day, random notes or thoughts, or a well planned poem or story. It has become my place to grown into my passion for photography. Over these past couple years I have blossomed and I hope to continue to improve each day. But I wouldn't be where I am now if it's wasn't for the blogging community. The community that is there to share, to answer questions and reach out and help.

Fast forward a couple years, and here we are at Yellow Finch where I blog about my simple life with my family. I never thought that I would be involved in the community, but I've learned you can't have a blog without being part of the amazing community. I recentley took my blogging adventures offline and met up with a few Northeast Ohio and North Western Pennsylvania bloggers up in Cleveland. Erin did a wonderful job planning brunch at Touch followed by shopping at Sweet Lorain. Thank you Erin and thank you Amanda for thinking of me. Amanda is one of those influential women who have impacted my journey in blogging. Over the past couple years not only have we become online friends, but it turns out we live in the same small town!





Taking the time to blog, write and photograph daily, well almost daily, has become a prominant part of my life. What are your thoughts on blogging? If you have a blog has it affected you or your lifestyle? Have you ever attended a "blogger meet up?" Do you ever reach out to other bloggers?

The Bloggers:
Mandy of The Curvy Blogger / Julie of Orchid Grey / Liz of Yellow Finch / Megan of Kiddo TV
Erin of Zero Style / Lauren of Someone Like You / Katy of Sugar and Chiffon / Jessica of Midwest Muse,
Jaclyn of Sharing My Sole / Karina of Beach and Dress / Dina of Dina’s Days /

*first photo by Julie


  1. the photos you took in sweet lorain are amazing! it was nice meeting you. i'm going to plan another one in a couple months! xo

  2. Hi! i started blogging a couple of years ago but i feel like like i'm in this world since...yesterday! the first year was just writing something every now and then but now i'm following interesting blogs (like yours!) and i'm learning how to do something that i found out i'm loving.i'm italian but i'm following most english/australian/american blogs (i feel this also as a possibility to improve my english) so it's not easy to meet somebody in person! maybe if they'll come to spend the holiday in Venice...!!

  3. Aw man! I wish I could've gone to something like this. Only a few years too late :)

  4. that is so great that you got to have such a meeting with such great ladies! that place looks awesome too. i would have gone nuts.
    as far as blogging... i have only been doing it since 2010 and i don't think it has changed much of my personal life. we still do as we always have done. it is work documenting it all but so was always developing and putting pictures into albums which is what i always did before. i think the one thing i like the most about blogging other than an easy way to document our life is the chance to meet different bloggers and see how people live all over the world.
    the only other blogger i have met is Drea from ohdeardrea. she lives not too far away and we get together often. xo

  5. I'm with you, I started my blog with a completely different "goal" in mind (although I probably couldn't verbalize that goal). Once I started reading other blogs and "meeting" other bloggers, my blogging has changed. I've never had the goal to have a lot of followers, but I do love the committed followers I have. And I've met some pretty awesome women through my blog. I do wish I knew more female bloggers in Denver so that I could go to a brunch or two :). Looks like so much fun!


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