20 February 2013

seeing the light.


Dear Wednesday,
you are always a challenge for me
with your early mornings
rushing about the kitchen
rushing out the door.
Today we made it to school on time.
But today I struggled to shake the sleep
that haunted me throughout the day.
I've been avoiding coffee,
but I broke down this afternoon.
I needed to brake down.

Dear Wednesday,
you are always a challenge for me
with your lego club that falls at nap time.
I carry little Jessica around
like a new accessory with stained clothes and unbrushed hair.
We never seem to have great outfits on Wednesday
I usually let the kids dress themselves,
but only on Wednesday.
Today Jessica wore a sweater with mismatched pants,
and a headband with three barrettes in her unbrushed hair.

Dear Wednesday,
you are always a challenge for me
especially when Cub Scouts falls the same time as music.
We rushed this morning
we rushed this evening.
Through a quick dinner I thought I planned,
but nothing is ever planned.
Spilt milk is never planned
Dogs eating grilled cheese from children's hands is never planned.

Dear Wednesday,
you are always a challenge for me,
but I can see a new day slowly approaching.
I washed the floors and packed the lunches
and now I think I'll bake a custard.
A pumpkin coconut custard to be exact.

I hope you enjoyed your Wednesday. I always enjoy mine, but they always challenge me.
Sometimes we need a good challenge in life to help us see the light.
To help us breathe
to help us slow down
to help us find patience and balance.


  1. Boy, can I relate. I feel like the months of January and February have been catch up catch up catch up. I can barely catch my breath! Today I let go a bit and shut my eyes while my daughter napped. An hour later I woke up feeling more tired. I'm impressed that you can get through your days without coffee!

  2. Couldn't agree with you more. My whole week has felt like this. I hope you have a nice, relaxing rest of your week with your beautiful family!

  3. sounds like a hectic day. every week has been a challenge for me this week. due to sleep deprivation. but, week is almost over :)


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