13 December 2012

christmas card. take five

jess card 2


It never fails, every year we encounter the Christmas card challenge and this year was no different. There are always tears involved, forms of bribery and one silly mom dancing around like a fool. I really hope the neighbors didn't see me, and I hope the neighbors don't mind we took the photos in their yard.

I have hundreds of photos to edit, well maybe just 252, and I hope to do that soon. I did manage to actually order the Christmas cards last night. Once I get around to the other photos I will definitely share the tears, the laughter and the running away.

You can see last year's Christmas card challenge here and this was the actual card.

Linking up with Small Style and One Little Momma today.


  1. lol we are on the same boat. just add a dog. that's today's post

  2. I've actually decided to send out a family New Year's card this year, because Christmastime has been so crazy in 2012.

    The pictures are beautiful! I admit that I can't wait to see the outtakes. ;)

  3. tee heee, I want to see those crazy mama dance moves Liz! Meanwhile, those dears are all too adorable!!
    needle and nest


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