04 October 2012

balancing act.

These two are like peas in a pod. Up all night off and on with 102.5 temps. Long night equals longer day.
Our home has been quit this week. The silent air is occasionally filled with a cough, a sneeze and sometimes a cry. My hands have been full juggling three sick children. Three sick children means three beds need changed, and most likely more than once. There is homemade soup waiting to be made, and mommy is requested in every room for cuddles in bed and lots and lots of stories.

Three sick children means a balancing act for the week. A race around our house trying to take care of everyone's individual needs. And no matter how tired I am at the end of the day, my heart still breaks for the lost look in their little eyes.

While I would give anything to curl up with some tea and finish my book, my book that has taken me weeks to read, I am off to conquer the household. Laundry and sweeping. Checking homework and making beds. And then, I will sit silently with my children and breathe.

Five minutes after I took this picture Jess got sick all over the couch, herself and the floor. What a week.


  1. Ugh, I'm so sorry! Just having one sick baby occasionally completely messes up our schedule, lives, and household, and it breaks my heart to see her eyes and hear her cough. Keep going, Mama, I know you're all that your children need and they'll all turn the corner soon. That book will still be there when it's over.

  2. oooh, nothing is more heart-breaking. mind-wearing. energy-sapping.. then a sickly babe - and x3? Oh, I feel for you! Wishing much health, strength and patience to your sweet.sickly crew, mama.
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  3. awwww I am so sorry, praying that your family feels well soon

  4. Sending prayers your way, friend. A sick baby is just one sick baby in this house; I can't imagine taking care of three sick kiddos (though I hope to have more littles someday). I hope everyone is well soon!

  5. So sorry about your kiddies :( Hope they feel better soon, and that you get some alone time! <3


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