26 June 2012

celebrating five.

josh bday
josh bday2
josh bday4
josh bday6
josh bday10
josh bday11
josh bday5
josh bday8
josh bday9
josh bday3
josh sill
josh bday7
There is something magical about a child's birthday. The days of excitement that lead to the actual day. Waking before sunrise to discover a room filled with balloons and streamers, a new tradition that will continue for many years. Blowing out the first candle over homemade blueberry pancakes topped with local maple syrup and a side of chocolate milk. Because that's what you requested. Enjoying special moments with dad before he leaves for work. Opening those presents he picked out with you in mind. A rocket that will carry your thoughts and dreams to the moon and bring many laughs shared between boys. There is something magical that we shared on your day. Setting aside our chores and to do's to focus on you and make your day as special as you are. We all ran around like children on a hot summer night. We swam until our eyes felt droopy and had a slight sting from the chlorine. And when it was time for bed we piled together and read books until sleep walked our way. Celebrating any birthday is special, but celebrating five with you, Joshua, was pretty amazing. Thank you for giving that gift to me.


  1. okay seriously your posts make my heart smile, I love how your kids are going to have such fond memories of their childhood because your such an awesome mom xo

  2. They're growing like weeds!!! Whoa. Every post it's another inch!


  3. happy belated birthday, joshua! (sad i couldn't say it earlier!)


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