22 May 2012

lobster clam bake.











This past weekend the restaurant hosted our annual lobster clam bake. It has become a tradition to take the kids down for an evening of good food and fun (you can see last year's post here). This year Jonas was feeling a little under the weather and decided to avoid the lobster, but Joshua and Jessica couldn't get enough.
Little neck clams, tossed salad, broiled lobster and Bender's fries. And to top off the night homemade blueberry pie and home to cuddle and watch a movie.

As a side note, I know I've talked about adding more food content to this blog. That is still in the plan, but I've lacked motivation on actually photographing food pictures these days. It could be the absence of a kitchen, the fact I haven't really been baking or cooking or that I am simply too tired. I used some leftover lobster meat to make lobster rolls on sunday and meant to take pictures. Instead, I sat outside with the family and enjoyed the moment :)
IF the sounds of an ocean dancing lulled in the background and IF I had a Bloody Mary in hand it would have felt like a Maine vacation.

Linking up with Mandy for Steppin' Out Saturday

1 comment:

  1. I was about to say your pictures make me miss my home in new england :-)
    I haven't had good lobster in a long time!
    Jess is so adorable, I love that little dress, is it vintage? You have to let me know her size so when I go thrifting and I see something cute I can pick it up for her :-)


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