05 April 2012

a quick update.

The good news is that Jess is feeling better. The bad news is I haven't gotten out of bed in three days and Joshua and Jonas are now sick too. We have lots of resting to do in order to get better for Easter, which is hosted at our house. Being sick this whole week has really set me back, but instead of freaking out I'm going to get better and get busy. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow, but if not I have lots of fun posts scheduled for next week. Oh, and while I have been sick in bed we officially bought a house!! That's right! The bank accepted our offer on a short sale home and we close the end of this month. My head is so fuzzy from being sick this wonderful news hasn't even registered with me yet!


  1. Liz,

    I missed you, Jessica and Joshua in classes this week...but I sure hope everyone is well SOON - so sorry to hear that you guys have been ill!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is really good news......good luck on your Easter activities! Sing with you soon....Miss Debbie

  2. awe sweet mama I hope you and your family all to feel better soon

  3. Yayyy congrats! SO SO happy for you. Sorry you aren't feeling well, though!

  4. Oh my, sweet lady, I hope you feel better soon. What an exciting time for you guys, so sorry it has to come while you're all unwell.


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