02 February 2012

where is winter.


Just dropping in for a quick hello.
This week is insanely busy. If you read yesterday's post you'll see what I'm currently working on....and my plate is full.
Last night I went to put together the collage for Jonas' school and had a heck of a time with the matting. When Jon came home from work I was so frazzled and in my explanation to him I dropped the knife and it landed two inches from my foot and stuck in the hard wood floor! He immediately instructed me to put down any sharp objects, have a glass of wine and watch an episode of Battle Star Galactica with him. So, today I woke up early to go get help and I am close to being back on schedule.

I'm looking forward to Sunday and a little family time with no obligations. Except for our open house which means I'll be running around like a mad woman cleaning.

Next week I should be back on track with some regular posts. I hope to finally have some house tours and new weekly feature for the month of February.

I snapped this photo of Jess yesterday while we played outside. The weather has been so springlike around here I can't believe it's still winter. I wonder if the snow will ever arrive.


  1. oh goodness Liz... glad you still have all your tootsies in place! Jon's advice is hilarious.. can I just say how eager I am to enjoy WINE again soon... (sigh!). Wishing you a much calmer, quiet, joys deserved weekend. xo
    Mel ;o)
    needle and nest

  2. thank goodness you didn't stab your foot! haha that would have been terrible. and i love this weather! i do not mind the lack of snow at all.

  3. Eek! Glad you didn't get stabbed :( What a great husband you have also :)

  4. SUCH a gorgeous photo of your gorgeous girl!

    Ohmygoodness about the knife. That is so scary! I'm so glad it landed in the floor! (Smart husband for sending you to drink wine and watch tv!)

  5. sounds like you have your hands full! try to keep all your fingers and toes!
    super cute shot. love the red

  6. Oh wow, thank goodness you missed your foot! And YAY husband for making you watch Battle Star Galactica with him with some wine.

    I hope things calm down, that you are able to get some rest and that you all have an amazing offer placed on your home and soon. Also that this awesome spring like weather stays so you can hang out with Jess outside :-)

  7. A very good husband you have there! ;D Glad you didn't get stabbed, holy cow! I can't believe that's y'alls weather, we just got like 50 billion feet of snow and as much as I usually love snow, I would so like to see some grass right about now. Wanna trade?


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