17 February 2012

homemade pizza.








Picnik collageliz


I'm not gonna lie, we eat a lot pizza in our house. Since Jon is gone on the weekends (and most nights) we usually have pizza every weekend and sometimes during the week too. Pizza nights tend to be my favorite meals around here and last night we had one with Jon (I usually save them for me and the kiddos). I think Jon was more excited about it than I was because he never gets to join in on the fun.

I usually use the pizza dough recipe from The Joy of Cooking because it's so simple. I would love to try another recipe so if you have one please share! I divide the dough so everybody has their own to toss, stretch and create. Last night we made pepperoni and cheese, pepperoni and veggies, collard greens and mushrooms(no cheese), a white pizza with oil, onions and mushrooms and a few heart shaped mini cheese pizzas. I think the kids are feeling the leftovers of Valentine's Day because they keep asking for heart shaped everything!

Do you have a favorite meal that becomes a part of your weekly routine? I could always use more ideas.

Have a great weekend friends. The kids are off school today and Monday so we have lots of fun activities lined up. A trip to the museum, a big Saturday breakfast and a ski trip!! Jess is hanging out with my parents for a couple days and we're taking the boys skiing. They are so excited and can't stop talking about it. I can't wait to share with you.

As a side note, Josh got a little out of control with his pizza dough tossing and the stuff seriously landed on the floor (or hit the ceiling) about twenty times. He thought it was hilarious so he started rolling the dough on the floor to Jess, who was so delirious she was cracking up. I don't believe that dough made it into a pizza.


  1. So many fond memories of pizza making as a child. Something I look forward to doing often with my children when they get big enough.

    1. I hope they remember these pizza nights! I know I will always hold them in my heart ;)

  2. how fun! i really love the look of your house (from what i can see in your pics) it looks amazing!

    1. thanks stephanie!! i actually have some home tour posts lined up. thought it was a perfect time since it's for sale. it's been pretty clean these days ;)

  3. This is *so* fun! I bet this is going to be a great little memory for your kids :)

  4. We're way into homemade pizzas around here too. It's just so fun and I love trying new toppings. Aah, the collard greens with mushrooms sounds heavenly! I love pizza with no cheese ;)

    Can't wait to hear all about the skiing! I'm excited to take Dallas next year.


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