16 January 2012

sunday favorite.


Sundays have become my favorite day of the week.

lazy mornings filled with warmth from the fire.
bedroom cuddles with the family. coffee in pajamas.
french toast and fruit. the sweet smell of Ohio maple syrup.
a stolen moment with my book while a baby naps.
magical forts built under the darkness of bedrooms.
secrets whispered behind giggles.


It was a good weekend. I'm sticking to my goal of focusing less on the things around me and more on my family. I'll take a night of fort building and books over any meeting or social event.

We laughed. A lot.
Under the covers of our fort. In the dark of the room.

On Sunday we had an open house which meant a clean home and a clean home always puts me in a good mood. While Jon showed the house we hung out with my parents and Julie and sipped coffee and hot chocolates. We came home to play and relax. Jon's mom joined us for dinner and family movie night. And, I had no idea that Dolphin Tale would make me so emotional! I'm not normally a crier but this movie was waterworks for me, but it made for a great family movie. I was concerned it may be too "old" for the boys but Jonas got and Josh kinda got it. And that little Josh. He asks so many questions through ANY movie you just have to laugh at his cuteness.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Today is a Holiday for us. No school for the boys which means lunch at the restaurant, a trip to the museum, home to cook and bake a dessert and a family dinner for us since Jon is off tonight.


  1. Oh Liz - we watched Dolphin tale last night as our family movie as well. I cried several times, they really did a good job hitting you from every side. Gus really enjoyed it too, but he would get scared when Winter would reject the prosthesis. Augie and I enjoyed seeing the real people in the credit footage as well, probably when I cried the most!

  2. I've heard great things about Dolphin Tale! And I'm a huge crier at movies, haha. I like Sunday mornings, but not evenings, because Monday is close behind.

  3. Sundays are the best days!! And now you're totally making me want to rent Dolphin Tale. I bawl at everything so I'm sure I'll be a wreck!


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