23 September 2011

a baby and a harmonica.


We love music in this house. Everyday you can hear the sweet sounds of the stereo spilling into our ears. Our feet move, our hips sway and we dance. On most days you will find an instrument in every room. Daddy's guitar, a baby's piano, a little boys drum set, bells, spanish maracas, or a tambourine.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Jessica pick up this harmonica and play. I quickly captured the moment (hence the blurred photo) before it was gone. The sun was gently shining through the window casting a light on my sweet girl. She laughed and smiled at her accomplishment. She played music while her laughter was the music that filled my heart.

Oh, and her little laugh. I have never heard such a laugh. It it the most precious sound I have ever heard.

Aisle to Aloha


  1. Such a great picture! I love it! :)

  2. Precious! That sweet face would make me feel blessed every day!

  3. Such a precious little moment from your week. My dad is a musician, and we too always had instruments around our house growing up. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. love, love, love!!! she's just beautiful :-)

  5. Her beautiful eyes are simply mesmerizing! What a great little thing to have been able to capture!

  6. oh my goodness, she has amazing eyes. seriously beautiful :)

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  7. Music is a beautiful thing. I wish I could play an instrument, but I just haven't the time to learn. :( I also think I'm not naturally inclined that way...which makes me sad. Lol. But I love listening to it more than anything. Little Jessica is adorable in this post, Liz. I'm so glad you captured this moment because life is a song.

  8. How beautiful and sweet! Music is such a marvelous thing. I'm so happy you captured and shared this little things moment.

  9. What a precious daughter you have!! She is learning the arts at such a young age...I think it is remarkable! :) Found your blog on the shine project!

  10. Aww, how lovely is this? She's such a gorgeous little girl.

  11. Aw, she's beautiful!! What a lovely picture!

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    x Aliya


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