13 June 2011

Weekend Recap

This was the perfect weekend to kick off our summer. Thursday night we had a sitter; Beau Vigne Winery hosted a tasting at the restaurant. We enjoyed delicious food, good friends, fantastic wine and the company of Trish Snider, owner of Beau Vigne. Unfortunately, Jon didn't get to sit down with me because he was running the dinner, but that's just how it works with the business. I did hang around while he closed up. It kind of felt like the old days.

Saturday was the boy’s last soccer game. As you can see from the pictures, Jonas is our intense serious player. Don't mess with him! He even scored a goal and had an assist. You have to love Joshua's energy and enthusiasm for the game. He puts his all into running around that field, even if he is running the wrong way. Did I mention he's not even old enough to be on the team? That's what happens with your second child….you just put them on the team. We’ll be signing Jess up next year.

We spent Sunday with family and friends welcoming a new family member. Little Libby is our newest cousin and she is just six weeks old. It made me sad to see how fast Jessica is growing up. The day was a typical chilly Ohio day, but that didn't stop the kids (and by kids I mean the dad's too) from swimming. After a vanilla latte and an afternoon car nap for the kids, we came home to run around and play in our backyard. We ended the weekend by grilling out, sipping champagne and listening to live music. I'll take this kind of weekend any day :)


How was your weekend? What was your favorite thing you did?
Leave a comment, I would love to know.
Don't forget....you can still enter this eco friendly giveaway!! Enter here.

My beautiful necklace is a one of a kind by Alex Keller.


  1. You and your husband look great, Liz! I'm glad to see you have your children in a sport! :) it's always so good to be active at a young age.

    I only played soccer for two years in elementary school, but then I ran cross country in high school. It's great to have some kind of outlet for children and teenagers and fantastic new friendships and bonds!

    My weekend was okay! I've been getting better with things lately. I'm optimistic. :) My favorite thing I did was....probably going to visit my friends at their new workplace (I know bad idea) but it was nice because there was a serious lull in business and I got ice cream! Not for free, but it was still delicious! AND it had a cookie on top! So good! :) so yes, I bothered them for a bit and had a nice weekend to myself, full of running and sleeping and eating and more sleeping. Lol. Summer class really made me tired now that I'm done with it!

  2. you look fabulous! i love all the soccer photos - can't wait until Kyle starts to play in the fall.
    and we had dinner at a friend's house - so nice not to have to cook or clean up!


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