11 May 2011

Mother's Day Love

I hope all you hard working mamas had a nice Mother's Day. I know I sure did. Our morning started out with a yummy breakfast of berry smoothies, a kale and tomato frittata, fresh fruit and coffee. I got to hang out with the hubs and the kids around the house all day. It was wonderful! I even got a late afternoon run in before we headed to my parents house. AND....Jon and the kids really went overboard this year. They got me a new fun toy for my camera. I've been asking for a wide angle lens for awhile, but never anticipated on really getting one. Thank you SO much Jon, Jonas, Joshua and Jess. Wow that's a lot of j's.

Mothers Day Collage

Oh....and I got a really nice sweet card from Bailey apologizing for running away on Saturday morning. He even said sorry to Jon for having to miss the boys soccer game since he was too busy driving around looking for him. He also begged us not to get rid of him. I'm thinking about keeping him :)

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