07 March 2011

Dairy Free Doughnuts.....

Sunday is my lazy day.
Yesterday I was somewhat productive.
My hubbie and I moved a couch from the living room to the basement,and the catcher is that we had to walk it around to the back yard and through the porch. Oh yeah, and he took the doors off the frames and the molding off the inside door. Don't you love old homes? Everything seems to be "custom sized" about two inches smaller than the norm so things just don't quite fit.

As our reward I decided to make doughnuts with the boys. Wait, let me rephrase, as our reward I decided to make dairy free doughnuts with the boys. I don't eat dairy and have led a dairy-free lifestyle for almost four years,but that's an entire post of it's own. These little doughnuts actually turned out pretty tasty so I thought I would share the recipe.

WARNING: You will most likely eat more than one.
In fact, I'll fully admit that I had two last night...
and I may have had two more today.


•2 cups all-purpose flour
•2 t. baking powder
•1 t. salt
•1/4 t. ground cinnamon
•3/4 cups plus 1 T. white granulated sugar
•2 T. soy margarine, softened
•2 large eggs, beaten
•3/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
•1 t. vanilla extract
•1 Recipe Dairy-free Vanilla Icing, warmed
•Sprinkles, for decorating

1. Preheat the 325 F. Lightly oil a 12-doughnut doughnut pan or 12 cup mini tube pan.

2. In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. In another mixing bowl, beat the sugar with the softened soy margarine until combined. Add the eggs and beat until just combined, followed by the coconut milk and vanilla extract. Add the wet ingredients to the dry, mixing until combined. Fill each doughnut cup about 3/4 full. Bake for about 8-10 minutes, or until the doughnuts are lightly golden. Allow the doughnuts to cool in the pan for about 10 minutes before removing from the pan.

3.Remove the doughnuts from the pan, ice with your favorite icing, followed by the sprinkles of your choice. Serve at room temperature.


We used chocolate icing.
Just mix powdered sugar, a couple drops of almond milk and cocoa powder



E N J O Y !
The recipe is from About.com

1 comment:

  1. B E A U T I F U L

    Thank you for sharing the great recipe,can not wait to try it with my kids.



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