18 May 2011

A Healthier Me

My best friend recently lost a family member and my thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. It is so scary to think about losing someone close to you, especially someone who is so young. Watching my friend go through her loss has really made me think about my life and my role as a mother. I have decided to make a personal promise to Jonas, Joshua, Jessica and Jon that I will do whatever I can to keep my family healthy. I know there are some elements of life that we can't control, but I can certainly try to avoid sickness and disease by living a healthy lifestyle.

To be honest, I think we do pretty well, but there is always room for improvement. Jon and I try to work out on a regular basis. Recently we have been doing a little P90X and I try to get in a few runs a week. We avoid processed foods and try to eat mostly organic and local. I don't eat dairy and eat limited amounts of meat (I'll talk about this on another post). I don't buy candy so the kids don't really eat it and they have never had pop. In fact, I still mix their juice with water. Overall, we are a healthy family. BUT, here are some goals I have to become healthier:


My first half marathon. The Nashville Rock & Roll Half Marathon.

1.Make workouts a priority on my list.
Between having three kids, two etsy stores and blog I have no extra time. The little time I do have is spent volunteering in the community and sitting on various boards. Let's face it, I have too much on my plate. I have decided it is time to start saying no and say yes to my priorities. Getting some form of a workout in everyday is very important to me. I like to aim for five days of working out and then one or two with a nice walk. Jen over at Jen Love Kev has inspired me to try Insanity, so we'll be starting that soon. I'll keep you posted! I've also decided it's time to sign up for another half marathon. That always forces me to keep a schedule.

2.Focus on cooking meals for the family.
With Jon's work schedule I tend to get a little overloaded at night and will take the "carry out" short cut. For those of you who don't know, my husband owns a restaurant so he works very long hard hours and mostly nights and weekends. I love baking and cooking. Perhaps I need to seek out easy recipes that aren't very time consuming. If you have any I would love to hear them!

3. Get to bed earlier.
I try to stay up until Jon gets home, and most nights I do. I love those late night chats, but I also know my body needs more rest, especially since I am such a busy bee during the day. I'm thinking about getting to bed earlier so I can wake up and workout. This will be a hard one...I'll let you know how it goes.

4. Get outside with the kids.
One of my summer goals is to hit more parks, have more picnics and take more hikes with the kids.



The Cleveland Half Marathon.


With my sister and friend Cathy at the Stomp the Grapes Half Marathon.


My best friend Julie at the Cleveland Half Marathon.

I also wanted to say Thank you to Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet. She has a great new feature called 8 Weeks to a Better Me that has been inspirational. It is so nice meeting other mamas with similar life goals!


  1. What wonderful goals!! And it's so hard to keep working out a high priority. I'm in college and I spend an average work day...studying and that's ontop of going to class itself. Lol. It's really difficult to find that spare hour to go running, and sometimes I do get to do it!

    Luckily I'm in summer class now and I can start steadily running again (slowly, but surely).

    The best of luck to you!! And do do Insanity!!! I tried it before (to no luck on my part bc of time) and it really makes you work. It's a good program if you make it a priority.

  2. I loved this post, it was very inspirational. And thank you so much for linking my posts! Feelin' that blog love <3 <3

  3. This is such a motivating post! I really need to do more things to be healthy as well. I eat really well, but don't get enough sleep (or exercise). Thanks for sharing you're goals; they're inspiring me as well!


  4. @Cindy let me know how the running goes! i love chatting with other runners :) thanks for the inspirational words and i'll keep you posted on the Insansity.

    @Danielle thank you:) i love the blog love!!! and i find your blog very inspirational.

    @Melissa thank you SO much. I don't get nearly enough sleep. That's a hard goal to work on with three kids....one day :)


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