23 September 2009

the purple peacock

HUDSON - Peacock feathers adorned with a blue burst button
So Pretty!
LovMely would like to extend a discount to my blog readers! Please take $5.00 off a purchase of $20.00 or more and domestic shipping is free!!
Lotus Peacock - Peacock feather fascinator

Peacock earrings
Tribal Ikat Peacock Print Dress - The Cassie
Golden Bloodstone Peacock Cuff

Teal Peacock Feather slouchy top

Contessa Boutonniere

Greetings! I can't believe it has been so long since my last post. Sometimes I wonder where the times really does go? I have been so busy working on all my new pieces for the fall and I am SO excited to share them with everyone. I am hoping to get them on my etsy site next week and I'll have some new posts about the fall collection too.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my "purple peacock" post. I found some great items that go with this theme. Perhaps I'll be a peacock for Halloween.....dancing and twirling under the midnight moon, feathers floating and balanced while the enchanted music remains perched on my wing..... EnJoY!

1 comment:

  1. Those are gorgeous! My mother-in-law loves peacocks- i'm going to bookmark this for Christmas!!!


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